
Why You Should Work at EarlyBird

Do you feel stuck in your current journeyman electrician job?

After you get your journeyman electrician’s license, it can be hard to know what to aim for next. Working commercial or industrial installation jobs can be monotonous, and there isn’t much room for advancement or training. Starting your own business is expensive and risky–plus, you have to find all your own jobs. Given these options, many journeyman electricians start to feel trapped at their current job and salary. We’re proud to provide these journeymen a new, better option: the opportunity to come work at EarlyBird.

EarlyBird Electric is Minnesota’s premier residential electrical company. We specialize exclusively in residential electrical work in the Twin Cities metro area. This focus allows us to offer much more rewarding (and lucrative) opportunities than the kind you may feel stuck in. If you’re looking for a way to continue to grow your electrical career, make more money, and do rewarding work you can feel good about, then EarlyBird is the place for you. These are the four main reasons why:

1. New, challenging work every day

Dan Heidelberger, an experienced electrician who’s been with EarlyBird for 13 years, cites the diversity of EarlyBird’s work as one of his favorite parts of the job. “We have the opportunity to do new things every day,” he says, “every house and job is different. I never have days where I’m looking at the clock thinking ‘it’s only 2 o’ clock?’”

As a residential electrician, you’ll respond to a wide variety of service jobs coordinated by the EarlyBird team. “It’s rewarding to be able to troubleshoot a customer’s problem right there,” Heidelberger explains, “I’m always seeing different things and learning.” On arrival, you’ll meet and help your customers directly by doing a wide variety of engaging, challenging work. “Wiring apartments for months can get boring,” Heidelberger says, “this doesn’t.”

2. Independence and Back Up

As on-call service responders, EarlyBird’s electricians enjoy a higher level of independence than most. “The team pages out calls I choose to take and respond to,” Heidelberger says, “so you’re on your own and independent most of the time.” This mode of operation allows you to work at your pace. “You can determine your own paycheck to an extent,” Heidelberger says.

Just because you’re independent doesn’t mean you don’t have back up, however. First and foremost, you don’t have to find your own jobs. EarlyBird’s technical team takes calls and forwards them to electricians who can respond if they’re available. The EarlyBird team also offers in-house training, including weekly code training meetings with owner Mark Cemensky. We also offer ride-alongs for sales training. “You can be independent and have a team to back you up,” Heidelberger says, “so it’s the best of both worlds.”

3. Self-driven Advancement

EarlyBird is interested in finding driven, self-motivated people looking to grow their careers and extend their income potential. To attract skilled people like this, we specialize in making sure they have the opportunities they need. “You’ll be independent, so you’ll need to be driven to get out there,” Heidelberger says, “but the work and opportunities are always there for you if you are.”

Beyond just providing the work, EarlyBird also wants to help you further develop your skills. We can help you expand your career in new directions–”A lot of electricians go on ride-alongs to get into sales,” Heidelberger says–or improve your existing skill set: ”If you’d rather stay on the technical side, you can do that too.” Overall, EarlyBird wants to know how you want to grow your career and provide you with the tools and exciting opportunities to do it. “It’s a company that’s interested in doing great work and staying on the cutting edge,” Heidelberger explains, “so you’ll never feel like you’re being asked to compromise.”

4. Fair Wages, Benefits, & Career Support

Part of EarlyBird’s commitment to giving our employees the opportunities they need to advance and improve is providing for their livelihood every step of the way. We take that responsibility seriously by providing 401K support, health insurance, your own EarlyBird truck, a company iPhone and iPad, and 3 weeks PTO. All employees also get a paid vacation day on their birthday. In order for you advance as far as you want to go, we make sure we support your career for as long as you’re with us.

If you feel like EarlyBird is the opportunity you’ve been looking for, we’d love to hear from you! We’re always looking for talented electricians eager to help their community and get even better at their jobs. Reach out or apply online right now. Our team will help make sure you never feel stuck again!