Electric Baseboard Heat

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to supplement the heating in your Hastings or Rochester home, the licensed electricians at EarlyBird Electric have several electric baseboard heaters that can do the job. Unlike the stand-alone space heaters you see in many department and big box stores, the baseboard heaters are a welcome solution to your need for more warmth without the safety hazards of electrical cords on the floor or the potential to tip over and start a fire.

The Benefits Of Professionally Installed Electric Baseboard Heaters

When you are working with the experts at EarlyBird Electric, you know that nothing but the highest quality parts and components are used in every project. Our years of reliable service to the community and reputation for quality are primary reasons for our success. So when you hire us for your electric baseboard heater installation, you know we will install only a top-rated unit in your home. Other benefits of these innovative heaters include:

  • They are hardwired into your home’s electrical system, so no electrical cords to pose a tripping hazard.
  • Being hardwired, you will also not be giving up one of the outlets for this heat source.
  • Electric baseboard heaters are mounted at floor level. They are secured to the wall, so there is never a concern about the heater falling over or tipping to catch flooring or other flammable items on fire.
  • Compared to free-standing or portable space heaters, electric baseboard heaters are much more powerful and can heat an entire room rather than just a small area.
  • Typically, electric baseboard heaters offer better screening and protection over the heat source to prevent burns if a child or pet gets too close to the unit.

Selecting A Suitable Electric Baseboard Heater

The primary consideration when selecting an electric baseboard heater is the size of the space you want to heat. The general rule to size your baseboard heater is 10 watts of power for every square foot of space you want to heat. So a 10-foot by 15-foot room would require a 1,500-watt heater. If the area is considerably drafty or has many doorways, consider oversizing slightly to ensure that it meets your needs for warming the space.

Electric Baseboard Heater Pricing

Much like any upgrade to your home, there is a wide price range when it comes to purchasing electric baseboard heaters. You can expect to find options starting at around $50 for the heater and going up to about $350 for more sophisticated models. And keep in mind that the electrical wiring and access in your home will dictate how much labor is involved in installing the units.

When you call 612-236-9052 to request more information about electric baseboard heaters from the licensed electricians at EarlyBird Electric, our pros can provide more detailed information about installation costs and the units that will best meet your needs. And be sure to review our current specials and coupons to see if any apply to your electric baseboard heater installation or any other electrical services you might need.