
Must Have Electrical Home Upgrades

Looking to enhance your older home in 2023? Or maybe you are a new homeowner who is ready to start renovating your fixer-upper. Whatever category you may fall into, our EarlyBird team is here to help. Electrical upgrades can increase usability and functionality while ensuring your home meets electrical safety standards and increases the value of your property! The benefits are endless, but what should you upgrade first? Let our team of experts walk you through some of the most popular electrical upgrades.

Swap Out Your Electrical Outlets

The main reason to upgrade or replace electrical outlets around your house usually depends on safety, but it can also be a convenience issue. Regardless of your reasoning for swapping out your outlets, there is a wide variety of new outlets you can choose from based on your needs:


  • USB Outlets – These are one of the most common outlet updates. USB outlets are handy for charging phones and other devices without needing a plugin.


  • LED Nightlight Outlets – You might have seen these types of outlets in homes with small children. They have a built-in LED light in place of one of the plugs, making a built-in night light that takes up less space & energy.


  • Recessed Outlets – These outlets are perfect for your living room. Why? Recessed outlets are set back into the wall so that when cords are plugged in they don’t stick out & furniture can be pushed up against the wall.

Smart Thermostat

Chances are if you have an older home or have just bought an older home you still have a traditional thermostat! If you are looking to bring your home into the modern age while giving yourself the gift of comfort, this is the electrical upgrade for you. Smart thermostats have the ability to be controlled remotely, allowing you to see your home’s temperature from anywhere, improve your indoor air quality and have the ability to learn the heating & cooling needs of your home to make automatic adjustments based on your lifestyle.

Whole-Home Surge Protector

Extreme weather conditions like wind storms, blizzards, and thunderstorms pose obvious power-outage threats, but they can also present a threat to your home’s electrical system. Drops in voltage in an electrical power supply system often result in a surge when power is restored. Downed power lines, lightning strikes, and damaged wiring can also cause electrical surges in your home. A whole-home surge protection device (SPD) connects to your home’s electrical panel. It works like a filter that lets in the safe electrical current but blocks dangerously high current or voltage from entering your home’s electrical system, preventing electrical devices in your home from burning out and, in some cases, causing electrical fires. In conclusion, if your home does not have a whole-home surge protector it should be high on your upgrade list to keep everyone in your home safe!


Install A New Electrical Panel

Outdated electrical panels are one of the most common electrical hazards in homes and businesses, along with damaged wiring and secondhand appliances. If your panel is showing signs of rust or if it is between 25-40 years old, it’s important to make sure installing a new one is on your electrical upgrades list! The main benefit of upgrading your electrical panel is, of course, your safety, however, a new panel will also ensure your power needs can be handled and it will increase your home’s resale value!


We hope that by walking you through a variety of electrical home upgrades that can increase your safety while providing you with increased convenience and usability you have a better idea of what you want to put at the top of your upgrade list. Whatever home improvement task you decide to tackle first our team of electrical experts at EarlyBird is committed to providing you with EXCEPTIONAL service.