
How Long Does It Take to Charge an Electric Car?

Every time someone invests in a car, they want to know how fuel-efficient it is. For gasoline-powered vehicles, how many miles it gets per gallon in the city and on the highway remains one of the first questions that a potential buyer asks a car salesperson. However, as more electric vehicles enter the market, the dialog changes to how many miles you get per charge and how long it takes to charge. 

As the future of car buying continues to shift towards electric vehicles, consumers want to know how much value they are getting from each charge and where they have to go for a full charge. With more charging stations being installed across the country, EV drivers have more options to choose from. The question, however, remains: how long will each charge take? 

It Depends on the Size of the Battery

As with traditional gasoline cars, not every electric vehicle is built the same. Some cars come equipped with larger batteries than others and carry a bigger charge. However, a bigger battery doesn’t always mean a better charge economy — larger vehicles can consume more energy than smaller ones and drain the battery more quickly. 

When you go to charge your car, the battery’s size also significantly impacts how fast it charges. Smaller batteries charge more quickly, and larger ones can take longer to be fully charged. 

Where Are You Charging?

While gas-powered vehicles have an entire established infrastructure of gas stations, rest stops, and mechanics to help keep their cars running, electric vehicle drivers have fewer options. With electric vehicle adoption still in its infancy, the infrastructure is still being built to properly sustain the growing number of vehicles. Fortunately, an increasing number of public and private charging stations can help keep your battery charged — but how quickly you charge can vary. 

Public Charging Stations

Not all public charging stations are built the same, and you can see immediate differences as soon as you go to charge your car. For example, some places carry rapid chargers as well as standard chargers.

Standard 7kw chargers might take as long as eight hours to fully charge an empty EV car battery. Rapid chargers can add 100 miles of range with a 35-minute charge. 

At Home Charging

The most effective way to ensure you have a full charge for your daily driving is to charge your EV overnight. In theory, you come home after a long day of traveling to and from work, plug your car in, and enjoy a fully charged battery the next morning. However, if you don’t have the right charger, it can take significantly longer — and cost you more in the long run. 

Most electric vehicles are equipped with a charger than can be plugged into a regular home outlet. However, this method remains an inefficient way of charging your vehicle. Your home’s electrical system and outlets aren’t designed to handle such a large electrical load, and it takes an extended period to achieve a full charge. 

If you plan on primarily charging your new electric vehicle — whether the Mercedes Benz EQS, Tesla Model 3, Ford Mustang Mach, or Hyundai Ioniq — at home, you must make sure you have the right equipment. Consider installing a Level 2 charging station with a professional company.

Also, see if your home has an updated electrical panel, grounding wires, and circuit breakers that can efficiently handle the job. If your system needs an upgrade, EarlyBird Electric has the electrical wiring installation services to give your home the boost it needs. 

Contact EarlyBird Electric for Your EV Charger Needs

Ensuring your car has a fully charged battery for the best driving experience can prove challenging if your home’s electrical system isn’t ready for the demand. Until the infrastructure is in place for widespread adoption of public charging stations, electric vehicle owners must rely on their home setups to get a full charge. If you need to give your home an electric car-friendly outlet to maximize your charges, EarlyBird Electric can help. 

Our team has performed countless EV charger installation and electrical inspections to ensure local homes are ready for the most effective charging possible. We’ll come out to your home, examine your electrical system, and install a new outlet designed to accommodate charging your vehicle. Contact our team to schedule your next service call today!